Right Way To Teach Yoga To Students – Best Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala 

Teaching method is really important in the realm of yoga. With so many schools mushrooming around the country, many students may find it challenging to zero down on the right one. One of the best places to learn yoga is Kerala, located in the southern part of the country. If you intend to learn yoga and that too in a professional manner, then you should choose the best yoga school in Kerala. The lineage is authentic and the teachers in Kerala know what it takes to pass down correct and unadulterated information. 

You must follow this blog to know how the yoga teachers in Kerala approach yoga teacher training. It will not just enhance your self-practice, but also make you professionally sound. Those intending to teach yoga must ensure to join the best school. 

Aspects Of Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala 

If you choose the best yoga TTC in Kerala, you will likely get the best training sessions. With the nature of Kerala acting as the perfect backdrop, you will be in connection with nature all the time. The teachers follow all the commandments as passed down from one generation to another of their yogic lineage. 

  • If you come across a yoga teacher from Kerala, you will find that they are extremely well-conversant in the topic. Moreover, they have studied extensively from the original scriptures and Vedas. 
  • The teachers also use the right principles to teach yoga to the students. The assessment of the abilities of the students is extremely crucial for just about any yoga class. And the teachers do that quite well. They are adept at teaching beginners, intermediates and professionals in one session. 
  • Most yoga classes in Kerala start with quiet contemplation and group mantra chanting sessions. This gives the right direction to the practice. 
  • Additionally, it is also very important to warm up sufficiently before every yoga class. Surya Namaskar or Sun salutation is one of the best warm up exercises that one can engage in, before the actual yoga practice. You will also be able to focus and concentrate on mental and emotional development, as a part of the course. 
  • Initially, students will be guided through the poses, with verbal cues and demos. The best approach is to take it slowly, rather than becoming too competitive. Yoga is not a sport, where there will be a winner and a loser. You must take it slowly. The best teachers will lay emphasis on slow and steady practice. 
  • Alignments and modifications are also very important, as a part of the training conducted at the best yoga school in Kerala. Every person has a different alignment point, so no two students will ever feel comfortable in the same body posture. 
  • As the best teachers, one should never ask the students to hold the poses for a long time as well. Although known to be therapeutic, it may hurt initially. 
  • The introduction of breathing practices is extremely important in the realm of yoga as well. Even if a student is not able to practice the physical postures, breathing techniques are very important. Some of the yogic breathing practices that are worth mentioning here are Anulom Vilom, Nadi Shodhana, Bhastrika and Ujjayi Pranayama. Breathing practices have more impact on the body, the mind, and the soul. So, you must give it utmost importance. 
  • The best teachers will introduce the Pranayama practices in a systematic manner. Shorter breath cycles are introduced, followed by the longer and deeper breathing. When one can hold the breath for a longer period, bandhas are also introduced. 
  • You will also learn various mudras as a part of the course. 
  • The best yoga school in Kerala also lays a lot of emphasis on philosophy and scriptures. You will be taken through the different schools of philosophy, apart from the Vedic scriptures. The Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita assume a lot of importance in this realm. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are also covered in detail. The teachers will take you through the explanation of each and every verse possible. 
  • The class happens to be very interactive, when the school is a Yoga Alliance certified one. All students will get the opportunity to ask questions and get their queries answered. Most yoga classes in Kerala will keep some time aside, after the class is complete. 

Yoga Teaching Methods That Prominent Teachers Encourage In Kerala 

  • The meaning of yoga is of utmost importance, while learning and practicing. It is the meaning which will act as the foundation for the course. Yoga means union, and in this case, you can consider the union of the male and female energies. That is possible, when you practice yoga regularly, incorporating asana, Pranayama, and meditation. 
  • The teachers are learned enough to explain the meaning of each and every asana. The explanations are in accordance with Hatha Yoga Pradipika. If one practices asanas diligently, it helps in the development of mind control and steadiness. ‘Sthiram sukham asanam’ assumes a lot of importance in the yoga course. 
  • You will be leaning around 84 asanas as a part of the teacher training. The asanas will be targeted at different body parts, some will focus on strengthening, and others will concentrate on developing balance. The asanas will also help you get over different ailments or control them. 
  • Awareness is something that you will be guided through, as a part of the course at Kerala. That is missing in many yoga TTC offered elsewhere. 

Final Words

Judging which the best course is for you is extremely crucial, if you want to learn and master authentic yoga. And no matter how old the school is, or whatever certifications it offers, the teachers assume a lot of importance. If the teachers are RYT 500 certified and practicing yoga under a learned Guru, then there is no stopping them. You can hope to get the best guidance in such cases. You can also check recommendations of the alumni, to find out what weightage the courses carry.

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